Online Auction FAQ

Auction / Bidding Info

Max Bid Feature

If a Max Bid is entered, the system will automatically bid up to that amount for you. This is a useful feature that allows you to enter the maximum amount you’d be willing to pay for the item and not worry about getting outbid in the last moments of the sale.

After an Auction Ends / Winning Bidder Notification
Soon after an auction closes, invoices will be emailed to all winning bidders. It will include a list of your auction purchases, amount due and instructions on pickup/removal. Reply back to the emailed invoice to arrange shipping, if needed. Be sure to check your SPAM if you don't receive an invoice after winning items.

Auction Shipping Questions

Can I have my auction winnings shipped?
If Shipping is available for the particular auction: Reply back to the emailed invoice to arrange shipping, if needed. Be sure to check your SPAM if you don't receive an invoice after winning items. We are unable to ship items from some off-site auctions. Each auction is noted whether shipping is or is not available.

Auction FAQ

Problems Registering to Bid?
During the registration process, upon the verification portion, be sure that you enter a valid credit card number that matches your billing address.
How Do I Review My Bids?
Login to our auctions here: https://bid.yourequipmentguys.com/ To view items you've bid on and/or are "watching": Click View Watchlist (from the upper-right menu).
What is a Staggered Closing?
Sales on the Your Equipment Guys website typically close at 3 items per minute which means bidding will close on intervals. This feature works great with the auto-extend feature to closely emulate a 'live' auction. Sales with fewer items may close at 1 item per minute and larger sales with more items may close at 5 items per minute.
What is a Dynamic Closing?
The closing time of an asset is automatically extended an additional 3-5 minutes whenever a bid is placed within the last 3 to 5 minutes of the asset's closing time.
How Will I know If I’m Outbid?
If you have been outbid you will be notified by email until the close of the sale. To quickly review your bids and see if you have won you can utilize the 'View Watchlist' feature.
Reach us by email any time! We typically respond within 1-2 Business Days.
Call us directly for additional help immediate answers to your questions.
Mon-Fri 9-5 EST